Your money – your matter

"Full control over your own finances is the key to success in any business. Modern automated banking systems enable the client to control their financial activities. Our service STORMICA BANK - eliminates the obstacles of modern depositors. From now on, your financial well-being does not depend on the mood of the bank."
Deputy Director for Technical Affairs

We hold and safeguard physical and digital assets as a Decentralized TRUSTEE


At the same time, we, as an independent and neutral trustee, accompany contracts and supplies of raw materials (COMMODITIES)

Commodities Settlement

The first OTC precious metals and other raw materials simultaneous settlement solution.

Settle With Confidence

STORMICA Service for Commodities delivers fully decentralized management of your entire post-trade lifecycle; including multilateral payment netting and simultaneous settlement for the OTC commodities market, increasing efficiency and reducing counter-party risk.


Safe, Simultaneous Settlement​ between contract partners

Limit or even eliminate a risk with pre-settlement assets protected in trust and simultaneous settlement occurring when both parties have funded their settlement obligation. This allows you to reduce counter-party settlement risk, manage time zone challenges and settle with confidence.

Institutional Investor Service

ESG, climate & political risk neutralization support

STORMiCA permanent support institutional investors and investees to get fund invested especially M0 and M1 funds are our specialty, for more details, CONTACT us for discussion.

Providing Sustainable Investment to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

The threat of climate change to the World and the Planet

Despite the current economic headwinds, the economic growth in China and the rest of the World, especially of Asia and the Pacific in recent decades has been remarkable. But the uncomfortable truth is that growth has come at a high cost: mostly of the regions now accounts for more than 70% of global greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. 

At the same time, the Asian region is one of the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Climate change is putting decades of World economic progress at great risk.

That is why our battle against climate change will be won or lost in Asia and the Pacific is an essential issue for the World survival. We need to take bold and urgent action to address this threat. And not just by talking only… We need a real move on.

In response, STORMICA has stepped up as the Climate change fight by supporting new technologies and inventors, who doing real and concrete steps in the direction of solution the Decarbonisation Issue and Climate Change!

We have elevated our ambition to provide an effective financial solution in cumulative climate finance from 2022 to 2025. We have committed to withdraw from talking only and doing nothing. And we are launching game-changing platforms to scale up climate-tech financing.

In our endeavor, the inventors spirit is essential to ensuring the transition to net zero. It is clear that the traditional banking sector cannot do it alone.

The good news is that demand for low-carbon infrastructure and goods and services is rising. The investment opportunities in developing economies have been estimated at trillions of dollars already.

STORMiCA is committed to strengthening this promising investment landscape. We will use our convening power, financing instruments, and technical capabilities to pave the way for alternative and institutional sector of investments that are compatible with low-carbon development. 

Let us briefly highlight four areas where we are working:

1st, STORMICA is addressing upstream policy challenges that are hindering private investment in alternative energy generating.

Our work includes support to improve relationship between money and invenstors spirit!

2nd, STORMiCA is working midstream, with government agencies, to structure infrastructure projects that are environmental viable. 

3rd, STORMiCA is working downstream, directly with private clients, who already have a workable solution to invest jointly in renewable energy projects. For example, we committed $150 million in 2017 to Malaysia’s very first privately-owned Wing Power Generating plant, – few 50 megawatt facility in Malaysia. Unfortunately to say: Malaysian authority leaded by existing at the time government and financial authority have hijeted the funding for their political ambitions.

4th, we are helping the region transition away from coal-based energy to low emission coal-based energy, which is possible and even invented by genial scientists already. The Energy Transition Mechanism, will accelerate the retirement of coal-fired power plants, increase demand for clean energy, but it will be not possible to replace the coal-fired power plants completely, so only solution to increase an efficiency for the coal-fired power plants.

Technical support service 24/7

Our technical support service will assist you in any situation related to the work of the Stormica bank service.

We work online 24/7/365 days a year.

Our contacts:

Our technical equipment

Stormica bank system servers are located in a modern data center, provided with round-the-clock, uninterrupted Internet and reliable power supply.